Last Updated: May 04th, 2023

1. Acceptance of Terms; Modification of Terms

SMALK! is a web-based hosting, interactive communications and content creation platform powered by AI (“Company”, “we”, “us”, or “our”). These terms of service and all other terms and conditions or documents incorporated by reference herein, including, without limitation, our Privacy Policy (collectively, the “Terms of Service”), constitute a legally binding agreement between Company and each registered or unregistered end user (each, a “User”, “you” or “your”) of the SMALK! application (the “App”, and collectively with the Site and all services provided therein, the “Platform”). By accessing and using the Platform and/or creating a registered User account on the Platform (an “Account”), you are deemed to have read, accepted, executed and be bound by these Terms of Service. You must be at least thirteen (13) years or older to access and use the Platform; provided, if you are between the ages of thirteen (13) and eighteen (18) years old (or any greater age required to be deemed to have reached the age of majority under the applicable law of the state or jurisdiction of your primary residence) you may only access and use the Platform with the prior permission of your parent or legal guardian, and you represent and warrant to us that you have such permission AND YOUR PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN HAS REVIEWED AND DISCUSSED THESE TERMS OF SERVICE WITH YOU. SINCE certain content made available on the Platform may not be suitable for minors, We recommend that parents or legal guardians who permit their child to access and use the Platform to supervise such child’s activity, including, without limitation, any engagement with any other User thereon.

Company may change or amend these Terms of Service at any time at its sole and absolute discretion. We encourage you to review these Terms of Service carefully and to check these Terms of Service periodically for any updates or changes. If Company makes a material change or amendment to these Terms of Service it will provide a notification of such changes or amendments on the Platform, which changes or amendments will be effective automatically upon the posting of such notification. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. Notwithstanding the terms of this paragraph, no revisions to the Terms of Service will apply to any dispute between you and Company that arose prior to the effective date of such revision.

Company may, from time to time, release new versions of the Platform, or release/introduce new tools, products, services, functionalities, and/or features for the Platform, which will be subject to these Terms of Service, and any additional terms of service as may apply to such additional versions, tools, products, services, functionalities, or features.


2. Platform License

Company hereby grants you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, royalty-free, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, right and license to access and make personal use of the Platform, the Platform Content (defined below), and User Content (defined below), solely as permitted by the tools, products, services, functionalities and/or features made available to Users of the Platform, subject in all respects to these Terms of Service, and not for redistribution of any kind (the “Platform License”). This Platform License does not include any resale or commercial use of (i) the Platform, (ii) any Registration Data (defined below), (iii) any content, materials, information, text, data, copyrights, Trademarks, logos, designs, insignia, images, photos, musical compositions, sound recordings, screenshots, videos, chats, posts, graphics, identifying marks, Site/App pages, software, and other original works of authorship and/or intellectual property uploaded to, or incorporated into, the Platform by or on behalf of Company (collectively, “Platform Content”), which Platform Content is and shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Company (or the applicable third-party licensor thereof), or (iv) any content, materials, information, text, data, copyrights, trademarks, logos, designs, insignia, images, photos, musical compositions, sound recordings, screenshots, videos, chats, posts, identifying marks, graphics, and other original works of authorship and/or intellectual property that you or any other User submits or uploads onto the Platform (collectively, “User Content”), which User Content is and shall remain the sole and exclusive property of you or the applicable User (or the applicable third-party licensor thereof), subject to the User Content License (defined herein) in and to such User Content granted to Company pursuant to these Terms of Service.

As between any User and Company, Company retains all right, title and interest in and to the Platform, throughout the world, in perpetuity, including, without limitation, (i) all text, graphics, typefaces, formatting, graphs, designs, editorial content, HTML, look and feel, software, and data, (ii) all business processes, procedures, methods, and techniques used in the Platform, (iii) all other materials and content uploaded or incorporated into the Platform, including, without limitation, all Platform Content (but excluding User Content, which as between Company and the applicable User is owned by the applicable User subject to the User Content License granted to Company pursuant to these Terms of Service), (iv) all associated trade secret rights and other intellectual property and proprietary rights recognized anywhere in the world; and (v) the coordination, selection, arrangement and enhancement of such Platform IP as a Collective Work under the United States Copyright Act, as amended (collectively, “Platform IP”), and nothing contained herein shall be construed as creating or granting to any User any right, title or interest in and to such Platform IP other than the express license granted therein pursuant to these Terms of Service. Platform IP is protected in all forms, media and technologies now known or hereinafter developed as well as by the domestic and international laws of copyright, trademarks, patents, and other proprietary rights and laws.

The Company trademarks, service marks, and logos (the “Company Trademarks”) used and displayed on the Platform are Company’s registered and unregistered trademarks or service marks. Other product and service names located on the Service may be trademarks or service marks owned by third parties (the “Third-Party Trademarks,” and, collectively with the Company Trademarks, the “Trademarks”). Except as otherwise permitted by law, you may not use the Trademarks to disparage Company or the applicable third-party, Company’s or a third- party’s products or services (including, without limitation, the Platform), or in any manner (using commercially reasonable judgment) that may damage any goodwill in the Trademarks. You may not use any Trademarks as part of a link to or from the Platform without Company’s prior express written consent. All goodwill generated from the use of any Trademark will inure solely to the benefit of Company or the applicable third-party owner thereof.

Violation of this License may result in infringement of intellectual property and contractual rights of Company, other Users of the Platform, or other third parties, which is prohibited by law and could result in substantial civil and criminal penalties.

3. User Accounts; Registration Data

In order to utilize the full tools, products, services, functionalities and/or features of the Platform, each User will need to register for and create an Account. You agree to create only one (1) unique Account and that you shall be the sole authorized user of your Account. As part of the registration process, Users will be asked to submit certain information such as their name, email address, [phone number, birthday,] profile name, picture, etc., and to create an Account login password (collectively, “Registration Data”). You agree that all Registration Data you provide to Company will be and remain at all times true, accurate, current and complete. Company may from time to time modify or add to the Registration Data information fields required to create an Account, and you agree to promptly complete any such additional or modified information fields when and as requested by Company. In some cases, you will also need to update your Account and/or operating system settings to allow us to access your address book/contacts and enable the geolocation and camera/microphone functions. You must make sure that your Account profile name complies with these Terms of Service. Your registration with us is subject to our confirmation and will become valid when we either confirm your registration or activate your Account.

Company will have the right to use your Registration Data in connection with servicing and operating the Platform and in other manners as set forth in more detail in our Privacy Policy. You agree (i) to restrict access by any other person or entity to your password or other login information, (ii) to not knowingly use the name or email of any other person without authorization, (iii) to not use an email or profile name that is profane, offensive or otherwise inappropriate, (iv) to not allow any third party to use your login information, Registration Data or Account, (v) to notify Company of any breach of security by promptly sending Company an e-mail to [[email protected]]; and (vi) to not re-create any new or additional Account in the event your original Account is suspended or terminated in accordance with the terms hereof. You agree that you will be liable for all activities that occur under your Account, even if such activities were not committed by you. Company is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of someone else using your Account, Registration Data or password with or without your knowledge.

4. User Content; User Content License

As a User of the Platform, you can upload certain User Content thereto, including, without limitation, in the form of live streamed audio-visual of you and your environment, images, gifs, quotes, memes, messages, and comments. You acknowledge and agree that your User Content can be made publicly available to other Users on the Platform (in certain cases automatically upon upload and in certain cases following your selection of such uploaded User Content to become public as described in more detail in Section 5 below), and that your Account profile name or login identifier will be linked to, or appear alongside, all such publicly available User Content. All User Content will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary and you must not upload any User Content on or through the Platform or transmit any User Content to us that you consider to be confidential or proprietary. All User Content uploaded to the Platform shall be subject to our Privacy Policy.

Subject to any third-party right in any preexisting content or materials included in your User Content, including, without limitation, any Platform Content, you retain all right, title and interest in and to any User Content (including all copyrights and other intellectual property rights related thereto or contained therein) that you upload onto the Platform; provided, that you hereby grant to Company and its affiliates, successors, licensees, and assigns, a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid, transferrable, assignable, sublicensable (through multiple tiers) right and license to use, copy, reproduce, display, distribute, publish, modify, adapt, make derivative works of, make collective works with, translate, and otherwise exploit (i) such User Content (including all copyrights and other intellectual property rights related thereto or contained therein) and (ii) your name, image, voice, likeness, biographical material, and any other right of publicity/privacy held by you in connection with such User Content, in any and all media now known or hereafter discovered, in connection with the Platform (including, without limitation, the operation thereof and the provision of any tools, products, services, functionalities and/or features now, or in the future, offered in connection therewith), the advertising, marketing, promotion, publicity, and merchandizing of the Platform and any products and services related thereto, and to identify you as the source of your User Content (collectively, the “User Content License”). For the avoidance of doubt, the User Content License granted to us hereunder covers our ability to sublicense to, and permit, other Users of the Platform to use your User Content in connection with all tools, products, services, functionalities and/or features made available in connection with the Platform from time to time, subject to these Terms of Service.

By submitting User Content to the Platform, you acknowledge and agree that Company may create or license from third parties, Platform Content, or obtain User Content from other Users, that may be similar or identical to your User Content. You agree that you shall have no recourse against Company for any alleged or actual infringement or misappropriation of any proprietary or other right in or related to the User Content you provide to Company. You acknowledge and agree that your submission of User Content to the Platform does not create any new or alter any existing relationship between you and Company.